Here are my thoughts on the NFL and its "apethletes" like the stellar "PacMan" Jones. Well by now I am sure most of the people who occasionally check this blog out know of PacMan Jones and his escapades. If you are among the few who haven't heard of this ape...I'll get you up to speed. PacMan is a darker than dark nig and plays for the Titans. Apparently he loves strippers so much when he goes to these festering pits of inequity he tosses large sums of money in the air for them to grasp at with their greedy whore-paws. Anyway...apparently one of the strippers at a club grabbed either too much money or grabbed with outPacMan's say...which caused him to beat her within inches of her life. After the clubs owners had to subdue PacMan and his bodyguards one of the niggers in his entourage began shooting at the bouncers, ultimately killing one of them and wounding two others in addition to the severely beaten stripper.
This goes out to all you White suck-ups....why in the sweet fuck do you watch these motherfucking coons? Why? Football is so devoid of sportsmanship its laughable. You get a bunch of fucking apes throw in a ball and they violently paw it around a field. If you watch it you're just as dumb as they are. You also help build up their that when they go to a strip hole they feel as though they're kingmidas. These shitskin fuckbags are on every fucking commercial for gatorade, underarmor, soda, you name it a nigger sells it. Since when did they earn anything? Jesus fucking christ has this whole country gone insane? Look at what happens when they get
a big wad of cash!! They toss it around in what they call a "raindance." We should be hanging these savages by the dozens! If you don't agree then you probably live in a pristine White enclave like myself...but I urge you to take a brief journey into your nearby urban center, if you have one, and observe how they live. You will find that they are so far from being civil its criminal (literally!). Hey if we keep throwing
money at these turds they'll be clubbing white girls on street corners and beating up average White kids like you and I!
I've said it once and I'll say it again...I am from suburbia, I grew up thinking that the ways of the left were correct...I was indoctrinated at an early age so I was helpless until college. If I can change so can you. Think for yourself and not w/ the sheep. I will pose to you a question, a question that changed the way I look at the world...and hopefully the way you view it too: "Why are you so ashamed to be white?"
You will find truth in the answer. You will understand that you shouldn't feel ashamed. You don't have to kowtow to kike mediawash! We're not a bunch of savages. As a matter of fact...we're quite the opposite. We've brought unto this world untold times of grace and peace...and itsbeing thieved from us! Tear yourself away from the jew propasphere and come join us!
PS the formatting on Blogspot constantly gets fucked up and it is not my fault. I fucking hate this fucking website. But I can disseminate truth so its a decent trade off. Fuck you Blogspot!