Monday, March 26, 2007

Personal Reflections of a Young White Nationalist

The classroom was somber. Many students shuffled in and quickly found their seats. Some would read the newspaper and others would speak among themselves. I didn’t have the luxury of knowing anybody in the class so I kept to myself and listened to music. The teacher walked in, he was an African American man in his mid to late forties, and he put a compact disc in the classroom media system. Suddenly the speakers eructed with the abrasive improvisational melodies of some obscure jazz musician. I put my cd player on pause and tried for a brief second to listen to the boisterous cacophony…needless to say I quickly returned to my own musical selection. This was the first day of White Racism, a sociology seminar offered at the University of {DELETED}.

At the beginning of the semester I had painted myself into a corner in terms what I could take and what I could not take. I needed to fill a W or “Writing” requirement and this particular class fit the bill. I would like to mention that at this time I was not a White Nationalist and I was firmly entrenched in typical Conservatism. It was probably due to some self-deprecating jewish notion implanted in my subconscious but I felt that I needed to “expand my horizons” and thusly decided to enroll in the seminar.

Anyway…the class began and the professor started to rattle off his confused mission statement. He began by drawing to our attention the disparity between blacks and Whites. He pointed out obvious constants like poverty, criminality, sexually transmitted diseases, and violence among a litany of other problems befalling the black community. I was captivated for I had noticed the severe differentiation between Whites and blacks and his lecture was giving me the other side of the story, or so I thought. After reading through a laundry list of problems he began to address their casual nature. This is where my curiosity turned almost immediately into blind rage for what followed was a semester long tirade about the injustices visited upon the black “community” by Whites.

The teacher also peddled his own books that included: White Racism, and Racist America – the latter being co-authored by a White sell out. You can find these books online I am sure. It was overt brainwashing plain and simple. Our final paper was to be on a personal experience about racism. He made a crack about how the White students would have to do some digging because it was unlikely that we would have encountered it in our lives. Like I mentioned earlier I had not read any White Nationalist literature yet and I was an established Conservative. So I scoured my brain trying to conjure up a topic for the paper. All that came to mind was how hostile blacks had treated me in the past, in high school and at college. I recalled when a Jamaican man in NYC followed a friend and I about 2 blocks begging for money and when we informed him that we didn’t have any he replied “Fuck you both, you White pieces of shit!” More memories began to flood my cerebrum… I thought back to my high-school experiences and the times that black students would give rousing anti-White speeches on MLK day (yes, you heard right…my high school had mandatory attendance on MLK). After hours of pondering I could not for a second name anything that was "racist" in my professor’s understanding of the word. Of course this was his intent. So, what did I do? I made up some bullshit. My paper was 100% bullshit. I catered to what I though this yardie wanted to hear and what did it get me? It got me an A.

It was shortly thereafter that I met a professor at the school who was a WN. He was casual at first when he broached WN topics of conversation but he quickly figured out that I was a misguided young White. One of the first things he asked me about was the etymology of my birth name. I replied that I was given my first name for two reasons: it represents both my German and Polish ancestry. He asked me if I was proud of my background. I was not sure where he was going with his line of questioning but it soon became clear. I mentioned to him the White Racism class I had taken the preceding semester and he shook his head, his facial expression was one of astonishment and disappointment. He pointed out the double standard that I was failing to conceptualize between black racial solidarity and White racial solidarity. The latter having none whilst the formers’ is so glaringly overt and over represented.

The next step he took was slowly introducing me to the idea of the jewish question. At first I recoiled when he broached the topic. I responded by laughing it off and saying: “Yeah, yeah…that is what everybody says.” Then over a period of a few months I opened my eyes a bit more. He told me to look at professor MacDonald’s body of work on the jews, which was in my school library. As I began to devour more information my hunger for the truth expanded exponentially. At first it was troublesome. If the White Nationalists were correct in their assertions the whole world as I knew it was a massive fallacy. So I read more.

What my WN professor told me to do was ask “Why.” The more you ask why the more likely you are to discover the truth behind the massive collection of lies. It worked. I was hooked. Through the context of White Nationalism I had developed a new taste for knowledge. I wasn’t bored to tears like in most of my collegiate seminars, instead I was furiously devouring essays by amazing White men like Richard Wagner and MacDonald. It was amazing! I was actually getting answers…answers that I never got from traditional or jewed-Conservatism. I can truly say that I owe my awakening to my professor and I am forever indebted to his honesty and Aryan benevolence.

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Amazing Video

I am new so I missed this video...but holy shit!

Craig Cobb, you are one brave Aryan and we thank you for it!