Monday, April 2, 2007

Inefficacy of Persuasion

I’ve often wondered why decent White people are so apt to sit silent while egregious injustices are visited upon them at the hands of the kikes. Then I think back to my unenlightened years of docile servitude; if it had not been for a dear friend I fear I may have been lost forever. We White Nationalists forget that people that still have their blinders firmly in place have a frightening awakening ahead of them. Sometimes the fear is so great that they may call you an epithet from the jewish lexicon of defamation and sometimes they may write you off entirely…and we want to avoid this at all costs. What we have to make certain is that our methods are refined and scholarly so that we can avoid alienating potential White Nationalists.

I am writing this because I heard Dietrich on FTL Friday discussing methods of solicitation and information dispersal that do not send our people running for the hills. I draw from my own introduction to White Nationalism, which was an incremental process that involved a fair amount of reading. When talking to a non WN White I always reference MacDonald’s Trilogy of work on the jewish question, it is methodically annotated and above all fascinating. The reason why I suggest this as a primer for Whites is that it establishes a contextual framework upon which subsequent information can be amassed. After MacDonald I usher them over to VNN immediately so that they can begin getting unfiltered news – this is an integral step. *

Pulling the potential White Nationalist away from the idiot box is very important. Once the blinders are removed some TV is tolerable (and I stress the word SOME), but most WN’s usually lose interest quickly because they understand the mainstream media for what it is: a massive mechanism for pacification. I suggest that they immerse themselves in VNN’s rich tapestry of broadcast alternatives like FTL and GoyFire…the chances are high that they’ll identify with at least one if not all of the broadcast hosts (I know I enjoy and listen to all of them).

Another important thing to remember is that time is essential. The person needs time to absorb and process the information, now some may do this in a hasty fashion which is excellent, but we should not discount those whose realization is somewhat delayed – they are White and they deserve the information we have. If the above methodology of introduction does not take and the person enjoys being a cog then there may be little hope. We also have to understand that some people love being servant dogs and if that is their wish then we are greater for weeding them out. So in summary I suggest a gradual process as a litmus test, if they fail then there are more out there that may be less thickheaded.

*Also…if they’re truly inquisitive suggest anything by Germar Rudolph. His astoundingly clear and heavily annotated works are some of the most jaw-dropping pieces of prose I’ve ever read. For pure statistical analysis I suggest simply glancing at crime stats from the Dept. of Justice…the data is easily accessible and allows the reader to draw objective non-jewed conclusions.