I was traipsing through the online mindwash and looky what I beez findin'! Seems as though we're not treating our niggers in a civilized manner. White hatred is the bill of fare over at CNN.com and this friendly article by suspected jew Allan Chernoff just adds fuel to the fire. Seems that no matter how many Whites are beaten, robbed, raped and killed by these silverbacked cretins we still manage to be "bigoted racist hicks" whenever we voice an opinion or crack a joke or in this case: hang a piece of rope.
NEW YORK (CNN) -- James Jackson, a 26-year-old black employee of 180 Connect, was preparing for another day of installing cable, telephone and Internet service to residential customers of Cablevision in Nassau County, New York on December 7.
When he walked to the fenced-off area to pick up equipment for the day's jobs he looked up and was shocked to see a vicious, racist symbol in his workplace. A noose was hanging in the fenced-off equipment area, visible to the dozens of installers, the majority of whom are black, but accessible only to his boss and an equipment manager, both of whom are white.
And this bullshit continues...
180 Connect says it has zero tolerance for racism.
"It's inappropriate to put up any sign of violence in the workplace," said 180 Connect attorney Joel Cohen. "The company is aware that a noose could have racial connotations and could be a very negative symbol to African-American people.
Ummm has the entire world gone completely insane? "Sign of violence" !!?!? Jesus Christ it is a fucking piece of rope!!!! Note the name of this fucking nigger's attorney. This shit doesn't write itself people...its vetted by slimey jewish manipulators.
Cablevision told CNN, "We are deeply troubled by the allegations about 180 Connect's workplace. We expect 180 Connect to conduct a thorough and credible investigation, to cooperate with any external investigation, and to take any appropriate actions."
What does that connote? "Appropriate actions" ? Oh oh whitey be makin' dem jokes again and be hurtin' da black folk's feelins!
This litigious infection is just another symptom of American jewry / loxism whatever you want to call it. Now a nigger can scream "hate crime" and some kike lawyer, as if through some act of telepathy, will magically appear to punish the evil hatefilled White man. So there it is folks just another example of standard jewish brainwash techniques in full swing over at CNN...the supposed last bastion of objective journalism. Yeah right. Turner is a jew-loyalist cocksucker...look elsewhere for your news White man because this is utter horseshit.
**Keep in mind it is highly speculative that this whole fucking thing even happened seeing as its from one of the most yid-friendly fluff networks out there**
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