Thursday, August 9, 2007
Mexicans commit murder? Pfff get out of here!
Jose Carranza, 28, of Newark, surrendered with his lawyer at midday Thursday, Mayor Cory A. Booker said.
While Newark has seen 60 homicides this year, the schoolyard killings stood out because the victims, by all accounts, were good kids. All four were enrolled at Delaware State University or were in the process of enrolling.
Nice...Im glad that things like this continue to happen. WAKE THE FUCK UP AMERICA.
Monday, May 28, 2007
In his blog's mission statement he emphasizes that rebellion is not about tattoos and anarchistic abandon it is about pulling one's head out of the loxist smog and setting oneself free. It is about re-erecting a once great Republic. It is about reinstating Whites as the tried and true leaders of this country. With Whites at the helm the possibilities for success are infinitesimal. Do you enjoy living in an overly federalized prison state? I certainly do not.
Quick Aside:
I saw two things when I viewed the pictures from the rally. I saw erudite Whites in full control of their presence and message. I also saw...a gaggle of hippies and miscellaneous fruits dancing (some in drag) around without a clue as to what WNism is about. One one side of the street I saw order on the other I saw a flaming ship piloted by liberalism.
Monday, May 21, 2007
Trust not in Wikipedia
Monday, May 7, 2007
3 Word Summary: Angry. Violent. Simians.
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Jews are masterful liars
Sunday, April 22, 2007
We're On the Way Out...
Well that is an important question and I do care an awful lot actually. With the jews in full support of every single anti-White liberal social doctrine we're at a severe disadvantage! Our values have been torn away..
My university has a 4 day "festival" of sorts near the conclusion of the spring term. The student population is almost doubled and everybody lapses into a beer-coma. Now I am not shitting on beer, not by any means, but I am suggesting to the White student body: RESPECT YOURSELVES! When you drive through campus on "spring weekend" all you can see are droves of drunken White girls fraternizing with niggers and wiggers alike. It is incredibly difficult to spot a group of White kids that aren't trying their hardest to look and sound like a bootlipped nigger.
Ah well...I mean... Why should I care?
Thursday, April 12, 2007
Mainstream Media = Pussified
Look tell me was he off in his description? I bet you guys five kwajillion dollars these "ladies" didn't know who the fuck Imus was until the civil rights battalions were dispatched to New Jersey..and I would posit that they did not even give a fuck either. From the looks of it they're probably preoccupied with teasing out those fuzzy locks.
Excerpt: Reuters
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Duke Charges to be Dropped
The woman initially said the three raped her in a bathroom, but the rape charges were dropped in December after she told prosecutors she could no longer testify that she had been penetrated with a penis, one of the defining factors of rape under North Carolina law. In addition, two DNA tests have found no evidence linking any of the three men to their 28-year-old accuser.
Well after months of dragging these kids names through the shit the rape charges are on the cusp of being dropped. I like the way that presents things. Their argument is one of semantics; "...she could no longer testify that she had been penetrated with a penis..." What the fuck does that mean? It clearly implies that the boys did something else when it should read: "College students exonerated, Lying Whore Held Accountable"
Monday, April 9, 2007
We have a boatload of current events both regional and national that we can't wait to get to!
Monday, April 2, 2007
Inefficacy of Persuasion
I am writing this because I heard Dietrich on FTL Friday discussing methods of solicitation and information dispersal that do not send our people running for the hills. I draw from my own introduction to White Nationalism, which was an incremental process that involved a fair amount of reading. When talking to a non WN White I always reference MacDonald’s Trilogy of work on the jewish question, it is methodically annotated and above all fascinating. The reason why I suggest this as a primer for Whites is that it establishes a contextual framework upon which subsequent information can be amassed. After MacDonald I usher them over to VNN immediately so that they can begin getting unfiltered news – this is an integral step. *
Pulling the potential White Nationalist away from the idiot box is very important. Once the blinders are removed some TV is tolerable (and I stress the word SOME), but most WN’s usually lose interest quickly because they understand the mainstream media for what it is: a massive mechanism for pacification. I suggest that they immerse themselves in VNN’s rich tapestry of broadcast alternatives like FTL and GoyFire…the chances are high that they’ll identify with at least one if not all of the broadcast hosts (I know I enjoy and listen to all of them).
Another important thing to remember is that time is essential. The person needs time to absorb and process the information, now some may do this in a hasty fashion which is excellent, but we should not discount those whose realization is somewhat delayed – they are White and they deserve the information we have. If the above methodology of introduction does not take and the person enjoys being a cog then there may be little hope. We also have to understand that some people love being servant dogs and if that is their wish then we are greater for weeding them out. So in summary I suggest a gradual process as a litmus test, if they fail then there are more out there that may be less thickheaded.
*Also…if they’re truly inquisitive suggest anything by Germar Rudolph. His astoundingly clear and heavily annotated works are some of the most jaw-dropping pieces of prose I’ve ever read. For pure statistical analysis I suggest simply glancing at crime stats from the Dept. of Justice…the data is easily accessible and allows the reader to draw objective non-jewed conclusions.
Monday, March 26, 2007
Personal Reflections of a Young White Nationalist
At the beginning of the semester I had painted myself into a corner in terms what I could take and what I could not take. I needed to fill a W or “Writing” requirement and this particular class fit the bill. I would like to mention that at this time I was not a White Nationalist and I was firmly entrenched in typical Conservatism. It was probably due to some self-deprecating jewish notion implanted in my subconscious but I felt that I needed to “expand my horizons” and thusly decided to enroll in the seminar.
Anyway…the class began and the professor started to rattle off his confused mission statement. He began by drawing to our attention the disparity between blacks and Whites. He pointed out obvious constants like poverty, criminality, sexually transmitted diseases, and violence among a litany of other problems befalling the black community. I was captivated for I had noticed the severe differentiation between Whites and blacks and his lecture was giving me the other side of the story, or so I thought. After reading through a laundry list of problems he began to address their casual nature. This is where my curiosity turned almost immediately into blind rage for what followed was a semester long tirade about the injustices visited upon the black “community” by Whites.
The teacher also peddled his own books that included: White Racism, and Racist America – the latter being co-authored by a White sell out. You can find these books online I am sure. It was overt brainwashing plain and simple. Our final paper was to be on a personal experience about racism. He made a crack about how the White students would have to do some digging because it was unlikely that we would have encountered it in our lives. Like I mentioned earlier I had not read any White Nationalist literature yet and I was an established Conservative. So I scoured my brain trying to conjure up a topic for the paper. All that came to mind was how hostile blacks had treated me in the past, in high school and at college. I recalled when a Jamaican man in NYC followed a friend and I about 2 blocks begging for money and when we informed him that we didn’t have any he replied “Fuck you both, you White pieces of shit!” More memories began to flood my cerebrum… I thought back to my high-school experiences and the times that black students would give rousing anti-White speeches on MLK day (yes, you heard right…my high school had mandatory attendance on MLK). After hours of pondering I could not for a second name anything that was "racist" in my professor’s understanding of the word. Of course this was his intent. So, what did I do? I made up some bullshit. My paper was 100% bullshit. I catered to what I though this yardie wanted to hear and what did it get me? It got me an A.
It was shortly thereafter that I met a professor at the school who was a WN. He was casual at first when he broached WN topics of conversation but he quickly figured out that I was a misguided young White. One of the first things he asked me about was the etymology of my birth name. I replied that I was given my first name for two reasons: it represents both my German and Polish ancestry. He asked me if I was proud of my background. I was not sure where he was going with his line of questioning but it soon became clear. I mentioned to him the White Racism class I had taken the preceding semester and he shook his head, his facial expression was one of astonishment and disappointment. He pointed out the double standard that I was failing to conceptualize between black racial solidarity and White racial solidarity. The latter having none whilst the formers’ is so glaringly overt and over represented.
The next step he took was slowly introducing me to the idea of the jewish question. At first I recoiled when he broached the topic. I responded by laughing it off and saying: “Yeah, yeah…that is what everybody says.” Then over a period of a few months I opened my eyes a bit more. He told me to look at professor MacDonald’s body of work on the jews, which was in my school library. As I began to devour more information my hunger for the truth expanded exponentially. At first it was troublesome. If the White Nationalists were correct in their assertions the whole world as I knew it was a massive fallacy. So I read more.
What my WN professor told me to do was ask “Why.” The more you ask why the more likely you are to discover the truth behind the massive collection of lies. It worked. I was hooked. Through the context of White Nationalism I had developed a new taste for knowledge. I wasn’t bored to tears like in most of my collegiate seminars, instead I was furiously devouring essays by amazing White men like Richard Wagner and MacDonald. It was amazing! I was actually getting answers…answers that I never got from traditional or jewed-Conservatism. I can truly say that I owe my awakening to my professor and I am forever indebted to his honesty and Aryan benevolence.
Sunday, March 25, 2007
Amazing Video
Craig Cobb, you are one brave Aryan and we thank you for it!
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Monday, March 19, 2007
Jewish Deviance
Check out that link. File under: Jewish diplomat / Perverse / Violent Abhorrent Behavior
Monday, March 12, 2007
Jewish Political Subversion
Can't they all just get along?

The United States strongly condemned Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe's suppression of protests and said on Monday it was shocked by attacks on opposition leader Morgan Tsvangirai and others.
"It is absolutely uncalled for and unfortunately certainly representative of the repressive nature of the Mugabe government that peaceful efforts to organize political groups and public demonstrations are suppressed and suppressed so brutally," said State Department spokesman Tom Casey.
The United States has for years been critical of Mugabe's leadership and relations between the two countries are tense.
Police detained Tsvangirai and dozens of other opposition figures on Sunday and shot a man to death while crushing a prayer meeting organized to defy a ban on political rallies.
Tsvangirai's lawyer said his client was "in bad shape" after suffering head injuries in police custody and rights groups alleged he and other politicians were tortured.
It is no wonder Africa is a fucking mess it's political leaders are killing eachother! This mans face looks like a fucking pitbull... EXTERMINATE THEM!
Thursday, March 1, 2007
Girl, 14, Accused Of Stealing Fifth Car In Five Months

ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. -- She's just 14 years old, but Orange County deputies said it was the fifth time in five months she's been in handcuffs. Deputies said the teenager has stolen five cars in last five months and that's just the ones they know about.
The Orange County Juvenile Assessment Center is where Jatteria Nixon is spending the night and deputies said it's basically her home away from home. Wednesday was the fifth time she's been there.
Nixon, 14, looked harmless in her fuzzy red slippers, Wednesday, but Orange County deputies said they know better.
"At this point, I would classify her as a car thief. She's not a juvenile who made a mistake. She's a car thief," said Sgt. Carlos Espinosa, Orange County Sheriff's Office.
What ever happened to the Girl Scouts? Isn't there something aside from car theft she could be doing? Oh wait... She looks like an orangutan but more hideous. Police are not sure as of now...but she may have a flourescent blue ass like her animal cousins.
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
PacMan Jones = Nigger
This goes out to all you White suck-ups....why in the sweet fuck do you watch these motherfucking coons? Why? Football is so devoid of sportsmanship its laughable. You get a bunch of fucking apes throw in a ball and they violently paw it around a field. If you watch it you're just as dumb as they are. You also help build up their that when they go to a strip hole they feel as though they're kingmidas. These shitskin fuckbags are on every fucking commercial for gatorade, underarmor, soda, you name it a nigger sells it. Since when did they earn anything? Jesus fucking christ has this whole country gone insane? Look at what happens when they get
a big wad of cash!! They toss it around in what they call a "raindance." We should be hanging these savages by the dozens! If you don't agree then you probably live in a pristine White enclave like myself...but I urge you to take a brief journey into your nearby urban center, if you have one, and observe how they live. You will find that they are so far from being civil its criminal (literally!). Hey if we keep throwing
money at these turds they'll be clubbing white girls on street corners and beating up average White kids like you and I!
I've said it once and I'll say it again...I am from suburbia, I grew up thinking that the ways of the left were correct...I was indoctrinated at an early age so I was helpless until college. If I can change so can you. Think for yourself and not w/ the sheep. I will pose to you a question, a question that changed the way I look at the world...and hopefully the way you view it too: "Why are you so ashamed to be white?"
You will find truth in the answer. You will understand that you shouldn't feel ashamed. You don't have to kowtow to kike mediawash! We're not a bunch of savages. As a matter of fact...we're quite the opposite. We've brought unto this world untold times of grace and peace...and itsbeing thieved from us! Tear yourself away from the jew propasphere and come join us!
PS the formatting on Blogspot constantly gets fucked up and it is not my fault. I fucking hate this fucking website. But I can disseminate truth so its a decent trade off. Fuck you Blogspot!
Friday, February 23, 2007
In the Army Now!
FT. CAMPBELL, Kentucky (Reuters) - A U.S. soldier who pleaded guilty to raping and murdering a 14-year-old Iraqi girl and killing her family was sentenced to 100 years in a military prison, the U.S. Army said on Thursday.
Sgt. Paul Cortez, 24, was also given a dishonorable discharge under a plea agreement he reached with prosecutors prior to a court-martial that spanned three days, an Army spokesman said.
Cortez, of Barstow, California, was not eligible for the death penalty under his plea agreement, accepted by the court on Wednesday.
Col. Stephen R. Henley, the military judge, found Cortez guilty of conspiracy to commit rape, four counts of felony murder, rape, housebreaking and violating a general order.
Under terms of his plea agreement, Cortez agreed to testify against the three others still facing prosecution in the case.
During the court-martial, a sometimes emotional Cortez recounted how he and his companions drank whiskey, played cards and plotted to attack the family at Mahmudiya, south of Baghdad, in March 2006. The group poured kerosene on the girl's body and lit her on fire in an attempt to cover up the crime.
Cortez testified that Spc. James Barker, who also pleaded guilty in the case, and a since-discharged soldier, Pvt. Steven Green, chose the family to attack because there was only one man in the house and it was an "easy target."
Thank god scumbags like this are protecting us against terror. I guess he couldn't control his instinctual urge to rape and kill...
Friday, February 2, 2007
LFYM is one month old!
Bush seeks $100 billion for Iraq in 2007

(Mouth agape) I try to keep it light but...I simply cannot find the humor in this excerpt from
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President George W. Bush will ask Congress for $99.7 billion for the Iraq and Afghanistan wars for rest of fiscal year 2007 and more than $145 billion for fiscal year 2008, a Bush administration official said on Friday.
The administration official, who spoke on condition of anonymity, also said that Bush would estimate the costs for the Iraq war at $50 billion for fiscal year 2009. Bush will unveil those numbers when he presents his annual budget to Congress on Monday.
Bush is seeking $145.2 billion in 2008, including $141 billion for the Department of Defense with additional funds sought for the State Department and other agencies for war-related costs.
The nearly $100 billion the Bush administration will request for 2007 is less than the Defense Department had initially requested.
That money comes on top of $70 billion that Congress approved for the current fiscal year, adding up to a total of $170 billion and making it the most expensive year yet for the war.
What the fuck is happening? Even the paleocons are wavering on this issue and will no doubt kowtow to their spineless neocon cousins. I don't think that Americans have been asking for the apportionment of more ground a matter of fact haven't we been pleading for the exact oppposite? The bee's nest that is the middle east is being kicked and prodded and is close to collapsing.
Monday, January 29, 2007
You're still a bigot but now you don't have to go to jail...
Germany said earlier this month it wanted to harmonize rules throughout the 27-member bloc for dealing with Holocaust deniers and for punishing displays of the symbol of Adolf Hitler's Nazi party, banned in Germany and several other states.
But, setting out plans for an EU-wide anti-racism law on Monday, it said it would not seek to prohibit "specific symbols such as swastikas."
It would also not try to push all EU states to say it is a crime to deny that 6 million Jews were exterminated during World War Two, a draft of Germany's draft proposal for an EU anti-racism law said.
Member states could decide not to make the denial of the Holocaust a crime "where the conduct is of a kind unlikely to incite to violence or hatred directed against a group or a member of a group," the draft showed.
Okay I get it. I guess now its not ethnocentrism or hate...or whatever the label of the week is. If "denial" law is being reformed abroad I posit that maybe the veil of lies is in a weakened state...Are more Whites stumbling onto truth? Let's hope so. The jews understand that the illusion of free-speech must be maintained or else the "propasphere" they've so dilligently worked on will crumble to the ground.
Excerpt from
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
Jews...evil you say? Never!
JERUSALEM (CNN) -- Israel's attorney general has determined that there is enough evidence to charge Israeli President Moshe Katsav with sex crimes, including rape, which stem from allegations from four of his former female employees, the justice ministry said Tuesday.
Katsav will have a chance to refute the charges in a hearing with Attorney General Menachem Mazuz before Mazuz can proceed with the indictments.
According to a statement from the ministry, Katsav is charged with raping a woman who worked for him in the tourism ministry in 1998 and 1999, as well as indecent acts with use of force.
He is also charged with unlawful intercourse and indecent acts against another woman who worked with him while he was president in 2003-04. Katsav also faces charges of indecent acts with abuse of power against two women who worked for him as president.
He is also being charged with obstruction of justice and harassing a witness.
Woah...that is weird! A high ranking jew official a rapist? LFYM surely you're spreading bigoted antisemetism! Don't worry it gets better...
A previous Israeli president and several prime ministers have been suspected of financial misdeeds and a former defense minister was convicted of sexual harassment. But the charges facing Katsav are the most serious criminal counts brought against a serving Israeli official.
Mazuz launched a criminal investigation of Katsav in July after a former employee alleged he forced her to have sex under the threat of dismissal.
I love how milktoast CNN is..."financial misdeeds" It should read: LOXIST TYRANNY. I have to run to class but I had to post this article. It got my fucking blood boiling early in the morning. Okay what did we learn class? Jews = Scum.
Excerpts from
Monday, January 15, 2007
Search Engines = Spying on You!
God bless the 1st amendment!
Brass Rat

A man walks into a trinket store and spots a brass rat on the shelf. The store clerk informs him that strange things will happen if he buys the rat. The man buys it anyway and upon leaving the store he notices that swarms of rats are pouring through the streets. People are beating them...throwing them into sacks and drowning them...some were setting them on fire. Rat bodies soon littered the gutters throughout the city. The man ran back to the store as quick as he could. The owner was surprised to see him.
"Whats wrong? Do you want to return the rat?" the owner asked.
"No. Got any brass niggers?" The man replied.
Thanks to my cousin for that one.
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
Looky what I beez findin'

Why you lookin' at me dat way massa...did I do somethin' wrong?
Hey did you know that in Connecticut, Illinois, Iowa, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin, a black man is more than fifteen times more likely to be in prison than a white man? Or that there are 4,630 black men in prison nationwide per every 100,000 black men? Which means that there are roughly 1,574,200 million blacks currently serving time in prison in the USA! Did you also know that per every 100,000 Whites there are currently 308 in prison? Wait shouldn't those be reversed? Humm something doesn't gel with that age old jew lie about Whites being this opressive criminal presence in the USA. Guess CNN, FauxNews, and everybody else just missed that one! Hey if they're hiding that from you...what else could they be hiding?
Just a're not alone!
Nichols = Ape

Nichols, 33, grabbed a gun from a deputy sheriff in a courthouse. He shot and killed a judge, court deputy and court reporter, then stole several vehicles during his escape. Nichols is charged with killing a fourth person, a customs enforcement agent, that night in north Atlanta...The 33-year-old was looking for another getaway car when he came across O'Briant, who was parking his green Honda in The Atlanta journal-Constitution's garage. Nichols pistol-whipped him, leaving the reporter with a gash across his face that took 15 stitches to close. The blow knocked O'Briant to the concrete and he broke his arm in several places. He would need surgery to repair it.
So wait a minute...let me make sure I understand what happened. On his way to trial for rape Nichols went on a killing spree? How unlike niggers...he said with much intended sarcasm.
Tuesday, January 9, 2007
More Murders
Kadir Babiso, 46, was charged with three counts of murder.
Police say children in the apartment witnessed the killings and provided information leading to Babiso's arrest. The three victims were not identified as of late Monday night.
"It's a pretty horrific crime scene. It's a pretty ugly crime scene in there," police Lt. James Viadero said.
Babiso had an unspecified workplace dispute with the three victims, police said. They declined to provide additional details.
Monday, January 8, 2007
...This can't be true! Oh, it is.

Modesto Reyes, the pastor at a Hartford Pentecostal church, was driving an 11-year-old girl home from a church event last summer when he allegedly parked the van near an empty loading dock, got in the back seat of the van and took his clothes off, according to court documents released Friday.
The pastor then allegedly lifted up her skirt, pulled down the girl's underwear and held her down as he forced her to have intercourse with him, the girl told detectives. It was the first of four times that Reyes, 52, sexually assaulted the girl between August and December 2005, the records say. Though the first incident happened in the church van, the girl told police that the other three incidents happened inReyes's office at the Iglesia De Dios, Cristo Te Llama, church on Broad Street.
Nine months after the first assault, the girl was in a bed at the maternity ward at Hartford Hospital, talking to police detectives. She told them she had just had the pastor's baby boy, the records say. Subsequent DNA tests, authorities say, showed with more than 99 percent certainty that Reyes was the father of the baby.
Everybody in the USA needs to get themselves a pair of those glasses from They Live because this is fucking insane. The victims identity has been safeguarded but her ethnicity aside...this fuck molested a little girl and impregnated her. This is what they do people and it is utterly repulsive and anti-human. All the Whites with 1/2 a brain have moved at least 10 miles from the capitol because of incidents like this and those that can't have to suffer in silence. Now the scum is slowly seeping into beautiful homogeneous areas of CT like Farmington, Avon, Simsbury and Canton. State housing is erected in these areas without our approval, forcing the cohabitation of Whites and animals.
Here is a purely subjective anecdote dismiss it if you want to but here goes. As I was driving in a nice part of the state on a semi-main road I caught a glimpse of a silver Cady sedan gaining on me fast. After I pumped my brakes the driver went around me and cut me off. It was a fat black woman and she was flipping me off with her big fat sausage finger, presumably for the brake pump. When the road split at the light she held her fat ugly hand up (adorned w/ huge fake nails) and looked forward. Everything about her was hilarious...her stupid sunglasses, her retarded hairdoo, her hideously flashy clothes and her Cady that was sitting on ENORMOUS wheels. I looked over and gave the obligatory "Fuck you" but she wouldn't look back over and continued to flip me off. So these are our new neighbors? I was driving in MY neck of the woods and this fat nigger blasts through like a fucking fire truck. Am I supposed to excuse this ridiculousness? I guess she gets a free pass because Whites have made her world intollerably racist and uncomfortable to live in. Thanks affirmative action!
-Excerpt from Harford Courant July 8th 2006
Its 9:00pm do you know where your niggers are?

Hartford's murder rate is 4.69 times the National Average. Its robbery rate is 3.73 times the National Average. Would it interest you to know that Whites are only 27.72% of the population, that means that the white population has been completely displaced! 73% of Hartford's population is comprised of subhumans. They inhabit public office, they are your police officers and are heads of school districts. Recall a certain femalenig who embezzled almost a half million dollars of Hartford's education money not too long ago? You may not have because it was barely covered in the press! Those are your tax dollars hard at work helping out the "less fortunate." Lets get something straightjews disseminate lies about niggers being owed
something...then the blacks beat down our doors kicking and screaming for our hard earned money. Are we all done buying the cliched line about Whites ruining the entire world because we didn't...we've done
Additional crimes:
Hartford Violent Crimes 1442
Hartford Murders 25
Hartford Rapes 46
Hartford Robberies 692
Hartford Aggravated Assaults 679
Friday, January 5, 2007
Whites vs. Human Waste

The jews constantly push the image of the dangerous hillbilly out to get unknowing minorities but you never hear the other side of the story. Here is a simple exercise that provides superb refutation to this common yid deception. Let us look at two homogeneous communities, one entirely White and one entirely comprised of human excrement (beaners and jigs). Fayetteville WV is a pristine area of VW, quiet, scenic and exclusively white (save for some stupid brainwashed white-loser-hippies) we are going to compare it to Willimantic CT. "Willarico" as it is often referred to by Whites is a festering pit of drug abuse and crime...and oddly enough it is filled with mexicans and niggers.
Here we go! In 2005 Fayetteville had 0 instances of rape however in Willimantic...there were 36.79. I guess the image conjured up in "Deliverance" & "Wrong Turn" was a bit off. I wonder if the White community is beholden to more violent crime than the shitskin community...Lets find out! Oh wait... 122 instances of aggravated/violent assault in Willimantic to Fayetteville's whopping...ZERO!!!
In about five minutes I easily debunked a run of the mill jewish fabrication. Subjugation of minorities be just doesn't happen. Look at what happens when they're left to their own devices! They're violent animals. These stats serve as a testament to the loxist fervor running rampant in the US. They despise you and I so much they unleash these mongrels upon who's the real hater?
Hypocrisy, Jewish Horseshit, & Good Ole CNN

I was traipsing through the online mindwash and looky what I beez findin'! Seems as though we're not treating our niggers in a civilized manner. White hatred is the bill of fare over at and this friendly article by suspected jew Allan Chernoff just adds fuel to the fire. Seems that no matter how many Whites are beaten, robbed, raped and killed by these silverbacked cretins we still manage to be "bigoted racist hicks" whenever we voice an opinion or crack a joke or in this case: hang a piece of rope.
NEW YORK (CNN) -- James Jackson, a 26-year-old black employee of 180 Connect, was preparing for another day of installing cable, telephone and Internet service to residential customers of Cablevision in Nassau County, New York on December 7.
When he walked to the fenced-off area to pick up equipment for the day's jobs he looked up and was shocked to see a vicious, racist symbol in his workplace. A noose was hanging in the fenced-off equipment area, visible to the dozens of installers, the majority of whom are black, but accessible only to his boss and an equipment manager, both of whom are white.
And this bullshit continues...
180 Connect says it has zero tolerance for racism.
"It's inappropriate to put up any sign of violence in the workplace," said 180 Connect attorney Joel Cohen. "The company is aware that a noose could have racial connotations and could be a very negative symbol to African-American people.
Ummm has the entire world gone completely insane? "Sign of violence" !!?!? Jesus Christ it is a fucking piece of rope!!!! Note the name of this fucking nigger's attorney. This shit doesn't write itself people...its vetted by slimey jewish manipulators.
Cablevision told CNN, "We are deeply troubled by the allegations about 180 Connect's workplace. We expect 180 Connect to conduct a thorough and credible investigation, to cooperate with any external investigation, and to take any appropriate actions."
What does that connote? "Appropriate actions" ? Oh oh whitey be makin' dem jokes again and be hurtin' da black folk's feelins!
This litigious infection is just another symptom of American jewry / loxism whatever you want to call it. Now a nigger can scream "hate crime" and some kike lawyer, as if through some act of telepathy, will magically appear to punish the evil hatefilled White man. So there it is folks just another example of standard jewish brainwash techniques in full swing over at CNN...the supposed last bastion of objective journalism. Yeah right. Turner is a jew-loyalist cocksucker...look elsewhere for your news White man because this is utter horseshit.
**Keep in mind it is highly speculative that this whole fucking thing even happened seeing as its from one of the most yid-friendly fluff networks out there**
Stamford = Shitden
Violent crime around the country jumped about 3.7 percent during the first sixth months of last year compared with the same period in 2005, according to FBI statistics released last month. That followed a 2.5 percent jump from 2004 to 2005, leading experts to fear that an era of falling crime rates is over.
The number of violent crimes in Stamford jumped 16 percent in 2005 and 10 percent over the first six months of 2006 - more than the average national increase for each time frame.
But the number of crimes committed here remains far lower than most of the 232 cities with populations of more than 100,000 that sent data to the FBI.
The number is so low that an increase of only a few dozen violent crimes over a year can trigger a double-digit jump. The 10 percent jump in 2006, for example, amounts to less than one violent crime per week.
"I'm very pleased," Police Chief Brent Larrabee said. "We came out better than I expected."
The six-month period includes the killing of a city teen and the wave of gang violence that followed. The gang battles faded over the summer after a fragile truce and a massive undercover police effort to lock up drug dealers and gang members.
The operation, called Clean Streets, netted about 75 arrests over the spring and summer. Larrabee experimented with a special patrol shift during high-crime hours and raised the number of officers on duty on most shifts.
He said he is "confident the ranking will be even better" after the last half of 2006 is calculated.
Stamford's violent crime rate has increased for five consecutive years even as it stayed near the top of the safest-city rankings. The city finished seventh in 2004, fourth in 2003, fifth in 2002 and ninth in 2001. Stamford was easily the safest big city in Connecticut during the first half of last year.Waterbury and Bridgeport police reported more than twice the number of crimes as Stamford, and Hartford police reported about four times more.
The number of violent crimes dropped in Bridgeport and Waterbury compared with 2005.
-Taken from the Stamford Advocate
I like how that when niggers commit one less murder a week that is supposed to be progress...welcome to the Kwa we've got fun and games...youz in the Kwa now baby...youz gonna die!
Rights? What rights...
WASHINGTON -- A signing statement attached to postal legislation by President George W. Bush last month may have opened the way for the government to open mail without a warrant. The White House denies any change in policy. The law requires government agents to get warrants to open first-class letters. But when he signed the postal reform act, Bush added a statement saying that his administration would construe that provision "in a manner consistent, to the maximum extent permissible, with the need to conduct searches in exigent circumstances."
"The signing statement raises serious questions whether he is authorizing opening of mail contrary to the Constitution and to laws enacted by Congress," said Ann Beeson, an attorney with the American Civil Liberties Union. "What is the purpose of the signing statement if it isn't that?"
Beeson said the group is planning to file a request for information on how this exception will be used and to ask whether it has already been used to open mail.
White House Press Secretary Tony Snow said there was nothing new in the signing statement.
In his daily briefing Snow said: "All this is saying is that there are provisions at law for - in exigent circumstances - for such inspections. It has been thus. This is not a change in law, this is not new."
Postal Vice President Tom Day added: "As has been the long-standing practice, first-class mail is protected from unreasonable search and seizure when in postal custody. Nothing in the Postal Accountability and Enhancement Act changes this protection. The president is not exerting any new authority."
Sen. Susan Collins, R-Maine, who guided the measure through the Senate, called on Bush to clarify his intent.
The bill, Collins said, "does nothing to alter the protections of privacy and civil liberties provided by the Constitution and other federal laws."
Thursday, January 4, 2007
Degeneracy in Hartford...
Acting on a tip that a drug dealer would be arriving at the complex in a Nissan Altima,officers set up surveillance at the scene. Officers converged on the car when it arrived, and Marco, a Manchester police dog handled by Off. Richard Boyle, found narcotics in the car, police said.
Police said three people were arrested: Serafin Velez, 22, of Hartford, who was charged with possession of marijuana, possession of crack cocaine and heroin, possession of crack cocaine and heroin with intent to sell, possession of crack cocaine and heroin within 1,500 feet of a school, possession of crack cocaine and heroin with intent to sell within 1,500 feet of a school and several conspiracy charges; DennisMontanez , 22, of Hartford, who was charged with conspiracy charges, and Anthony Roman, 18, of Hartford, who was charged with possession of marijuana, possession of marijuana with in 1,500 feet of a school, conspiracy to possess crack cocaine and heroin; conspiracy to possess crack cocaine and heroin with intent to sell; conspiracy to possess crack cocaine and heroin within 1,500 feet of a
school and conspiracy to possess crack cocaine and heroin with intent
to sell within 1,500 feet of a school. They are expected to appear in
Manchester Superior Court today.
Humm...this is why parents are pulling their children out of public schools with a renewed vigor. Whites everywhere are realizing something...these fucking minorities are a danger to anybody that values life. Most of them can't support themselves financially because they lack basic human initiative. They do not want to work and when they do its under dourest. They live in squalor in areas like Hartford and pander on the streets. Niggas don't be wantin' to get them gold chains dirty working the fryer at Burger theys be sellin' the crack cocains. Lets get something straight. Hispanics and Blacks do not make money...they WEAR money. Big neclaces and rediculous jewlery...and we're told to live among these fucking primates?
This comes on the heels of last years brutal beating of a Uconn student by three minorities. A TWELVE year old nigger stomped a young White student after he got off his shift from a local restaurant while his two friends held him down. Hartford is not New England's rising star...its a fucking sinking ship.
This is nothing new ladies and gentlemen

"They are the boastful, arrogant
rascals who to the present day can do no more than boast of their race
and lineage, praise only themselves, and disdain and curse all the
world in their synagogues, prayers, and doctrines. Despite this, they
imagine that in God's eyes they rank as his dearest
-Martin Luther
Wednesday, January 3, 2007
Cult of Jewry

The rights group's report for 2004 says Israeli forces have killed some 700 Palestinians - including 150 children - mostly in unlawful circumstances.
"...accusations against the Israeli army include unlawful killings, torture, extensive and wanton destruction of property, obstruction of medical assistance and targeting of medical personnel...Israel has continued to use Palestinians as "human shields" during military operations, "forcing them to carry out tasks that endangered their lives", despite an injunction by Israel's high court banning the practice."
Where is this in the mainstream media?
-Information taken from an Amnesty International report on Israeli Human Rights Violations
Tuesday, January 2, 2007
Liberalism is a disease
Bush + Olmert = Neocon Barmitzva Party Time!
Ehud Olmert, the Israeli prime minister, says he has been reassured of US support for Israeli interests following discussions with president Bush following the Democrat's victory in midterm elections.
Olmert also stressed his support for US-led efforts to impose sanctions on Iran over its nuclear programme.
He said: "Every compromise that will stop Iran from acquiring nuclear capabilties which will be acceptable to president Bush will be acceptable to me."
After their meeting, Bush said: "If Iran has a nuclear weapon, it will be incredibly destabilising and obviously threatening a stong ally."
Olmert's visit to Washington gave Bush a chance to redirect his attention to foreign policy after his Republican party's losses in congressional elections.
Nuclear weapons
There has been speculation in the US that Bush, weakened by the election results and setbacks in Iraq, might try to complete his term in office with progress on the Israeli-Palestinian issue.
Olmert has appeared confident that there will be no change in the relationship between the US and Israel.
Olmert told reporters on the flight to Washington: "Support for Israel traditionally has been bipartisan. I don't see anything changing in the next two years that can alter the balance of feeling toward us."
The US and Israel accuse Iran of developing its uraniam enrichment programme in order to acquire nuclear weapons, although Iran says it intends to use the programme purely for electricity generation.
Before his return to Tel Aviv, Olmert had previously told reporters: "If someone wants to reach a compromise with Iran, he must understand that Iran won't be ready to do so unless it is afraid.
"Israel has various options which I am not prepared to discuss."
'Swift response'
Iran warned on Sunday that its Revolutionary Guards would respond swiftly if Israel attacked it.
Mohammad Ali Hosseini, an Iranian foreign ministry spokesman, said: "If Israel takes such a stupid step and attacks, the answer of Iran and its Revolutionary Guard will be rapid, firm and destructive and it will be given in a few seconds."
Olmert said in an interview broadcast on Israeli television on Monday: "I am not looking for wars. I am not looking for confrontations. I'm looking for the outcome.
"This campaign will be tested in only one way - whether it will succeed to stop Iran from possessing nuclear weapons."
Speaking at the Simon Wiesenthal Tolerance museum in Los Angeles shortly before his departure on Wednesday, Olmert said: "We will do what needs to be done [to prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons].
"I am happy to say after meeting president Bush that he shows the same attitude, the same conviction and the same commitment."
-Taken from
Jews: Intrinsic Liars
Art. 23(f) of the Hague Convention (IV) of 1907 expressly forbids belligerents “[t]o make improper use of …the military insignia and uniform of the enemy…”.
Article 39(2) of the 1977 Protocol I Additional to the Geneva Conventions reasserts this prohibition: “It is prohibited to make use of the flags or military emblems, insignia or uniforms of adverse Parties while engaging in attacks or in order to shield, favour, protect or impede military operations.”
When questioned about the raid, the Israeli Army was unapologetic and asserted that it would continue such raids. Mark Regev, an Israeli Foreign Ministry spokesman declared, "If the Syrians and the Iranians continue to arm Hezbollah in violation of the resolution, Israel is entitled to act to defend the principle of the arms embargo." (New York Times, August 19, 2006)
This grievous war crime capped a month of war crimes committed by the Israeli forces. These crimes included failure to protect the civilian population against dangers arising from military operations, attacks on the civilian population, indiscriminate attacks, destruction of objects indispensable to the survival of the civilian population, and attacks on the natural environment, all of which are prohibited by Protocol I.
-Taken from
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Wake up guys...
Are you intelligent?
We have to examine who controls what we see/read/hear. We have to consider that they may have an agenda and it is anti YOU, ME and everybody else. It is a loose continuum of ideas disseminated in a nonconsecutive and disconnected way; peppered throughout what we read in the newspaper, watch on television and listen to on our ipods. You are no more independent than a mouse endlessly circling in his wheel. No matter how above everything you may feel no matter how enlightened you may think you are you are merely thinking in a predetermined and categorized way. If you exercise your opinions in one of these predetermined ways you are an asset to the system. If you are a conservative you've fulfilled your purpose, if you are a democrat you've fulfilled your purpose, if you are a reactionary you've fulfilled your purpose it is that simple folks. You are a sheep being herded along a path.
Ps. Blogs are stupid but maybe some of this will sink in...